Around 50% of the population suffers from hemorrhoidal disease! The pain associated with numerous treatment options prevents many patients from consulting their doctor until the symptoms become severe. The HAL-RAR method from A.M.I. takes away the patient’s fear and ensure they visit a doctor in the early stages – a doctor who offers this innovative, effective and virtually pain-free method. Make the most of this new option for your practice or hospital!
Anal Fistulas
According to current guidelines, anal fistulas are drained with a Seton drain for several weeks prior to surgical intervention. The Comfort Drain from A.M.I. is the first product of its kind that requires no knots for closure and therefore offers significantly increased comfort for patients.
Fecal Incontinence
The loss of bowel control is generally referred to as faecal incontinence. Severe faecal incontinence – the uncontrolled loss of stool at least once a week – is a particularly debilitating problem that impacts significantly on the sufferer’s everyday life. The Soft Anal Band from A.M.I. is a last-resort therapy option for such cases.